Friday, September 17, 2010

Glow Worm

Every time I have told someone about our upcoming adoption.  I just glow with happiness and joy.  It is such an amazing feeling.  I have told all of my coworkers and it is just wonderful to feel of their happiness and excitement for me.

When I told "L".  She started hyperventilating.  And said, "quick, give me a hug right now".  It was so cute.  She is so wonderful.

"N" said, "What are we having?  And we have a lot to do...You're glowing."  She is so cute.

Telling "J" brought tears to my eyes.  She said, "You deserve it.  He is a lucky guy."  To which I replied, "I am the lucky one".  She then said,  "I know you have been wanting this for a long time.  And I am really happy for you.  And you know, I don't say things I don't mean."  She then proceeded to tear up, so, what could I do, but do the same?

Each day that passes brings me a little closer to our little guy.  I can't wait!


  1. I'm jumping up and down with youuuuu hereeeee...and crossing my fingers at the same time he he...

  2. Oh, I'm so happy for you guys!!! That's wonderful you're feeling the glow & joy of all that is coming your way!

  3. Glad you get to experience the "glow" that comes with expecting!

  4. Awww...and you SHOULD be glowing! You do deserve this happiness. :)

  5. What wonderful responses you've had when sharing your GREAT news! I am so thrilled that your heart can be filled with this great joy of hope and anticipation. I know you are soaking it all up, dear jrs.
    We all share in your joy. It is wonderful, wonderful to know that in a few weeks, you will be holding your son in your arms.

  6. I am so happy for you!!! so awesome!

  7. How beautiful! Cant wait to hear the good news when he arrives :)

  8. So fun to share your news! Congratulations and can't wait to follow more of your story. And hello from ICLW!

    Cheese Curds and Kimchi
