Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Manly Beach

Today we went to Manly Beach.  The name came about when some explorer arrived on the beach and saw aboriginal people and thought they looked manly.  Strange name, beautiful beach. 

My hubby would do something chivalrous like let us go ahead or hold a door for us and then say, "that's a manly thing to do".   I got him to flex and show his muscles and show how "manly he was".   Hubby wasn't wearing speedos, but we saw other men wearing them.  We didn't see anyone sporting a mankini on the beach.  It is the craziest thing--it is a speedo that a man wears, but it hooks up over the shoulders.  It's pretty gross. 


  1. I think Jim Carey wore one, saw on People's mag...

    and it's pretty gross, yeah!

    have a great R&R!


    coming from ICLW

  2. I've never heard of a mankini.....sounds like it's best to just stay ignorant on that one. Glad you're having fun and you're oK after being tossed by the waves.
